
Diablo 2 resurrected switch metacritic
Diablo 2 resurrected switch metacritic

diablo 2 resurrected switch metacritic diablo 2 resurrected switch metacritic

In the face of concessions that modern games have made towards fun, Diablo 2's insistence on grind and unforgiving systems and 20-year-old bugs can just make me feel… tired. At the same time, it's blatantly a game from an era where the demands on our time were very different than what we’ve seen in the past decade. As someone who played more than my fair share of Diablo 2 between 20, Resurrected absolutely scratches an itch for the golden age of this genre. After a hundred hours smashing demons, I've kicked Diablo to the curb a couple times and I'm thoroughly reacquainted with the good and the bad that the most revered game in Blizzard’s action RPG series has to offer. Nothing more than a coat of fresh paint over the old masterpiece, Diablo 2: Resurrected is a curious piece of video game restoration.

Diablo 2 resurrected switch metacritic